Some toads dream of transforming into princes. This toad must have wanted to transform into mush because it was sitting in the middle of the walkway at midnight.
Spring Ahead
Spring must be approaching – I finally found some bugs venturing out of wherever they hide during the cold winter this afternoon.
Rollie Pollie!
I found several rollie pollies hiding beneath a pot in the garden and decided to get down on their level.
Sweat Bee on Soapwort
After a busy week, I decided this would be good time to share two photos of sweat bees from earlier this year.
Super Scary Spider
Remember the post a few weeks ago about the big, shy jumping spider? I found what could be her offspring hunting in the garden.
Spider Mites
Occasionally when I am outside looking for bugs to photograph, I will notice tiny yellow specks moving around on the ground. Last week, I found several concentrated around some pollen that had fallen from an iris flower, so I took the opportunity to get a closer look at these creatures with some macro photographs.
Spring Jumpers
If you don’t like spiders, perhaps only jumping spiders could convince you otherwise. With their big eyes, spiked hair, and occasional crazy colors, they just might be the stars of the invertebrate world.