This week I photographed some aphids that were on our indoor mint plant.
Little Leafhoppers
I’m disappointed to say that I did not take a single picture last week, but that means you get to see three little leafhoppers I’ve been saving for such an occasion.
A Groggy Yellowjacket
A German yellowjacket was hibernating on the ceiling of my mother’s shed. After knocking it down, I let it crawl onto a leaf and then a stump to photograph it.
Tiny Midges
After a cold week, I only found a few midges outside to photograph yesterday. That reminded me of this tiny, white midge I had photographed in October. It was barely noticeable, peeking into our nice, warm house, but a macro lens revealed its true midge identity.
Macro Butterfly
Butterflies have been relatively scarce in the backyard this year, so it was exciting to find one butterfly (Speyeria species) that was willing to hang around for some macro photographs of its face and scaly wings.
Enemy of the Squash
They’re a bane of the everyday gardener, but that doesn’t mean they’re unworthy of a closer look!
A Closer Look at a Woolly Aphid
What I thought were a bazillion gnats flying around last week turned out to be a bazillion woolly aphids. Going outside for any amount of time guaranteed that you would find at least one on your clothes when you came back in.
A Hungry Grasshopper
Most of the grasshoppers I see around the house are gray, tan, or brown and not very colorful, so I was slightly excited to notice a green grasshopper munching on a basil plant in the garden.