Kissing AntsTwo ants kissing, on a blade of grass. This is most likely a form of communication. Oregon, March 2018.Bee HugA honey bee clings to a soapwort flower. Oregon, May 2017.Honey Bee on AsterA honey bee on an aster flower. Oregon, September 2017.Translucent Honey BeeA honey bee, on Salvia, appears translucent in the evening sunlight. Oregon, May 2017.Circle of Life (web)A sweat bee sits atop an aster flower. Like most busy bees, sweat bees don't seem to like sitting still for very long, so I was lucky to frame the shot before it moved on. Oregon, September 2016.A Natural BuzzA wool carder bee visits hen and chicks flowers. Oregon, August 2017.SurprisedA painted lady butterfly on ice plant. Don't look so surprised! Oregon, May 2017.Colorful DragonflyDragonfly. Oregon, August 2017.Worn WingsThe back-lighting revealed the wear and tear sustained by a dragonfly's wings. Oregon, August 2017.Crazy EyeOrthonevra bellula on a yellow Chrysanthemum. Oregon, October 2016.Fly in PurpleHoverfly on soapwort. Two images stacked to get head and flower in focus. Oregon, May 2017.Sunny FlyA fly on a sunflower petal. Oregon, August 2017.Green GrasshopperA green grasshopper on a basil plant. Oregon, July 2017.Midge on Pine NeedleA male midge (Chironomidae family) on a pine needle. Its feathery antennae make it easy to tell that it is a male, but determining the genus and species is a lot more difficult. Oregon, March 2018.Spider on a SackA bold jumping spider (Phidippus) hides beneath a leaf, on a burlap sack. Oregon, March 2018.White Crab SpiderA crab spider camouflages itself beneath Shasta daisy petals. Oregon, June 2017.Open ArmsA crab spider patiently waits for prey on top of a fence. Oregon, October 2016.Plant BugA plant bug on a sunflower leaf. Oregon, July 2016.Stink Bugs HatchedBrown marmorated stink bug nymphs (Halyomorpha halys). Oregon, September 2017.Brown Marmorated Stink BugBrown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys). Oregon, March 2018.Paper WaspA paper wasp preparing for take-off. Oregon, September 2017.