Kissing Ants
Two ants kissing, on a blade of grass. This is most likely a form of communication. Oregon, March 2018.

Translucent Honey Bee
A honey bee, on Salvia, appears translucent in the evening sunlight. Oregon, May 2017.

Circle of Life (web)
A sweat bee sits atop an aster flower. Like most busy bees, sweat bees don't seem to like sitting still for very long, so I was lucky to frame the shot before it moved on. Oregon, September 2016.

Worn Wings
The back-lighting revealed the wear and tear sustained by a dragonfly's wings. Oregon, August 2017.

Fly in Purple
Hoverfly on soapwort. Two images stacked to get head and flower in focus. Oregon, May 2017.

Midge on Pine Needle
A male midge (Chironomidae family) on a pine needle. Its feathery antennae make it easy to tell that it is a male, but determining the genus and species is a lot more difficult. Oregon, March 2018.