Insects and bugs are so numerous that I shouldn’t be surprised to keep finding new ones without leaving the backyard. Yesterday, that new bug was a weevil. So, what’s a weevil? If you already know what a weevil is, way to go! Even though weevils are extremely common, I didn’t know what they were until I searched Google Images for a tiny gray beetle that matched the one I had found. According to Wikipedia, there are tens-of-thousands of types of weevils. That made it difficult to identify my weevil exactly, but it looks like a lot like a clover root weevil. Weevils eat plants and can be pests if they appear in large numbers, but this particular weevil was being polite and just eating a dandelion.

That’s a weevil! And by now you may have come to the correct conclusion that I really like to write the word weevil – weevil, weevil, weevil! Next week I’ll be featuring some the winners from a nature photo contest I’m judging on Fine Art America, and there might be a little photo mystery as well. Until then, be on the lookout for weevils!
Weevil word-count (excluding title): 25.
It works!! Loved the weevil blog… I’ve often wondered about those little buggers! Looking forward to the photo mystery!